bubble algae in planted tank


New member
in my planted 20Long im currently battling a nasty bubble algae bloom, in my reef tank i would try something like Vibrant, however im not sure its seagrass safe so im wondering what other methods may work... obviously i can try emerald crabs but they can be very hit and miss. any other ideas?
I found emerald crabs to be too destructive, and not very good at removing bubble algae.

I've got some bubble algae myself. I occasionally manually remove some, and that keeps them manageable. I just pull them up with my fingers and nails, carefully. You don't want to get too greedy. Just take what's easy to take. If it's attached to a rock, you could pull the rock and scrub it off.
I found emerald crabs to be too destructive, and not very good at removing bubble algae.

I've got some bubble algae myself. I occasionally manually remove some, and that keeps them manageable. I just pull them up with my fingers and nails, carefully. You don't want to get too greedy. Just take what's easy to take. If it's attached to a rock, you could pull the rock and scrub it off.

looks like that will be the plan of attack!