Bubble algae.. Vibrant Treatment with Algae scrubber


New member
As a last resort I have decided to start treatment with Vibrant to address a bubble algae problem. I have been trying to go with manual removal, emerald crabs, and nutrient control with no luck. This stuff is persistent! I have even moved several rocks to the sump that have been in the dark for a month and they still have several green bubbles all over them. The stuff I have likes to grow in clumps in the crevices of rocks, under rocks, under frags, and in pump nooks and crannies. I find it all over! I remove it and in a matter of weeks its back again. I am literally removing handfuls of the stuff.

So for those that have had success with vibrant... The instructions say for a persistent algae dose 1ml per 10 gallons every 3-4 days. I have 50 gallons of water volume. Did anyone come up with a magic number on an amount that works best for bubble algae?

I have an algae scrubber that produces several handfuls of GHA every other week. Can I expect that vibrant will kill it off and I will need to start over after treatment?

Between heavy skimming, 0 TDS topoff water, Algae scrubber, and GFO/carbon reactor I rarely do water changes. I keep my reef at 8.3 dkh 420 ppm calcium and dose trace elements. Do I need to remove the carbon and GFO? Should I start doing some water changes during treatment or keep my regular routine?



And here is a pic after several hours of cleanup. You can see the damage the bubble algae did to my stylo. What you cant see is the bubble algae covering the back of the rocks.
