bubble algae


New member
I am having some green bubble algae spread through my nano cube... I try to pick it off and throw it out when I do my water changes, but it is outpacing me!

Any suggestions on how to control it? Note this is a nano.

Thanks in advance.
Re: Pop it.

Re: Pop it.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6808952#post6808952 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by college429
Pop it with a bamboo shish-cabob scewer (sp?).
Get an emerald crab.

I was under the (perhaps mistaken) impression that popping it helps/causes it to spread??? I have been carefully pulling it off rocks to avoid popping them...

Thanks for the info. Any other ideas?
Yes, when they get very large.

Yes, when they get very large.

I think that only occurs when they get very large. I know someone who successfully rid themselves of it by popping them.
I use a long needle and scape them off into a siphon tube when I am cleaning the tank. I have the siphon tube draining into a filter sock. So far, this has been very successful for me.
i had a bad problem in my 180 and I only added 3 crabs. It took a month but now I only see a bubble here and there and its not an eyesore anymore