Bubble Coral ate my shrimp!


New member
Well... I came home to this.

Is it a molt or the actual shrimp? I wouldn't have thought the sting would have been strong enough to kill anything. Especially not with an exoskeleton.
You sure is not just the shell? Mine tends to drop the skin anywhere and sometimes it ends up inside the anemone.

Otherwise, that is crazy.
I'm not 100% but I do not that one had shed it skeleton just a little while ago. I'm going to check if it is still around there. If not, then you may be right. I've just never seen that before and I can't tell by what's in his mouth.
Can't find the other shrimp. Oh well lol... I'll let you know if he pops up.

Has anyone else come home to something eating one another in the tank?
Nosushi don't it is calcium and they will likely it it or something else will. Also they are extremely hard to find after a molt, 95 % chance he comes out within a week