Bubble tip question


New member
I purchased a bubble tip around a week ago for my clown pair and all day today it has been spread wide open with its mouth open? Does anyone know if this is some sort of sign or should I expect this from time to time? Thanks in advance.
How far open is it?
Do you see its insides coming out or is its mouth just puckered up?
You can see pictures of that on my web page.
If its puckered up it is hungry, feed it a silverside.
Post a picture or two if you can, it's easier to diagnose with pictures
sounds like it could just be expelling waste.....BTA's do that from time to time...especially after the stress of a move and being introduce into a new tank.
Well it is wide open not puckered adn the insides are not coming out.

Well now my bubble tip was stuck to the intake of my MJ1200. The holes are way too small for it to suck it in but can my luck get any worse. I sure hope that it did not get injured.