builder going crazy with my in-the-wall tank


New member
I told my builder that I needed to have room under my in the wall tank to place my sump and they filled it with 2x10s! they said that they had to for support reasons. I was going to tell them to rip this out and put in 6 4x4's legs and just use a 2x4 top. will this be enough support? does anyone have pic's of a 125 gallon or so tank that has a build in wall stand that I can show them

thanks Jeff


  • dare pby
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I think the 2x10s are a little overkill. You might even use a 4x4 top with 3/4" plywood over it. Just make sure you have room to get your sump in and out of the stand.
Here are a few pics of my stand that my 600gal will be sitting on... Used two 2x6's and the rest 2x4...




OK...that is way overkill. I see why they did it though, because they used 2x4s for the front and rear headers (the horizontal frame that runs on the top of the stand). If they had made these out of sandwiched 2x10s or 2x12s standing on edge, properly supported on the ends of course, you wouldn't need any middle supports in the span at all.

See asnatlas' next to the last pic for a perfect example. See that 2x6 standing on edge along the front, top and bottom? That's what you want, only a little beefier if you want no vertical supports in the way on the front or back. You only need the beefy header on the top span.

I don't know what the h@!! your builder is thinking! It's your money...demand that he build what you want! It's easily do-able.

For a 125, 2x8s or 2x10s should be plenty for the headers. Is it glass or acrylic? If glass, a single 3/4" plywood top will suffice. If acrylic, I'd use two 3/4" sheets laminated (really laminated, not just screwed on top of each other).
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6505361#post6505361 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by KevinM
See asnatlas' next to the last pic for a perfect example. See that 2x6 standing on edge along the front, top and bottom? That's what you want, only a little beefier if you want no vertical supports in the way on the front or back. You only need the beefy header on the top span.

I only used two 2x6's... One along the top front and one along the top back... Everything else is 2x4's...
thanks for you if i use a 2x6 header then i only need legs at the corners? i was thinking of having 2 2x4 legs made for the middle but the back one would be removable so i could move my sump out when or if it ever leaks. another question is the tank i was thinking of would be 125 gallon all-glass tank but the molding makes for a problem with how far it sticks out, i know removing it can make the tank bow so is there any thing i can do about bracing if i take off the molding? or does Ocianic have the same type of molding or is there tank flat in the front
thanks jeff
Drake1 - If your going to have them redo the stand, maybe try considering upgrading it to a 180. I have a 125 now and would prefer a 180.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6510308#post6510308 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 10" Red Devil

What do you guys do that allows you to afford these 600 gallon reefs?

Seriously are you guys in the mob or something?

I am only 25 and own a house... I told myself that when I moved I was going to be setting up a larger tank, was not thinking a 600gal LOL... I just planned and saved for a little, right now I do have some outstanding CC bills, but nothing bad... When you plan, I would add about a 3rd more to your total as you will always go over your "planned" budget...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6510947#post6510947 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by techigirl78
Drake1 - If your going to have them redo the stand, maybe try considering upgrading it to a 180. I have a 125 now and would prefer a 180.

Bigger is always better... At least with tanks :p
my 90gal has become quite an expense. i can't even imagine the amount of money that goes into making a 600gal a reef.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6510975#post6510975 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asnatlas
I am only 25 and own a house... I told myself that when I moved I was going to be setting up a larger tank, was not thinking a 600gal LOL... I just planned and saved for a little, right now I do have some outstanding CC bills, but nothing bad... When you plan, I would add about a 3rd more to your total as you will always go over your "planned" budget...

Oh thats cool! Thanks for being honest about it! Yeah I dunno Im a production designer and cant seem to get work so right now Im doing the pizza delivery thing so my future is my 20Long for a LONG while. :)


BY Kevin M
For a 125, 2x8s or 2x10s should be plenty for the headers. Is it glass or acrylic? If glass, a single 3/4" plywood top will suffice. If acrylic, I'd use two 3/4" sheets laminated (really laminated, not just screwed on top of each other).
Kev [/B]

What's the reason for 2 laminated sheets .. and then would you use
insulation board on very top?