building a stand


New member
I am looking at purchasing a 375 8'x3' and was going to build a custom stand I curently have a 150 4'x2' and looking at the stand it has three boards the tank sits on a 1x4 running from front to back in the center of tank below the center support, and 2 1x3'son both the left and right supporting each end and the corners I thought the tank should be supported all the way around,(a piece of wood support contacting the bottom of the tank all the way around). I anyone has built one any suggestions or a place for info would be appreciated.
cool thanks i did build a stand for a 75 but I am worrying about the 375 being so heavy, but i guess the size doesn't matter its the height that causes more weight I want a nice stand like a solid base with cabinets made out of like a 1x4 also want to build a hood and match it. Making the frame is the hard part but making it look nice can be done wile the tank is set up. I like how the pre made stands look but i hope i can make it better looking I would really like to add some kind of stone look to the stand? if it could be done.
by looking in the basement there is a steel i beam running with the tank. The joists are of course running across the tank and I beam, the tank placement will not be centered on the i beam but will be under a third of the tank long ways. i might just add a few 2x10s across where it will sit. again the tank weighs 650 and filling will add approx. 3200 lbs. so almost 4000 lbs I have a buddy who builds houses. I will sure it up if needed it is the stand i am worried about