Building up my new zoas frags tank


New member
Hi everyone! I'm Daniele from italy.
I'm building up a new zoanyhus frags tank. I need some advice to do it in the best way. My idea is not to get in touch frags and rocks. I'm worried about animals in rocks that can annoy frags. It happened in my LPS and zoanthus tank and i don't want it to happen another time. I thought about a 45x35x25h cm and a cryptical sump, with all rocks inside it.
In the main tank i will have only grid with frags.

Illumination: I'll use a leds plafo, i still have to choose it. But not too expensive.

What do you think about this project?
Sounds like a reasonable start. You may want a shallower tank for easier access but 35cm isn't too bad. I had one that was ~20cm high (120x45 cm base) and it was very nice and easy to use.
This is the way I would approach such a tank too. This way the frag can grow to surrounding plugs. Post a build thread if you get a chance, I plan on doing the same thing soon.