Butterfly tank


New member
I have a Fowler I'm setting up approx 170 gallons and I would like to keep more butterflies in this tank than my others. I was thinking of collare,auriga, teardrop, facula, golden and a saddle back but I've never kept any so I'm not so sure of aggression levels. The tank is 5 ft long 30" high and 21" front to back tank will have plenty of rock.

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Aurigas are known to be more aggressive so keep that in mind. Are you only doing butterflies? No tangs or angels or other fish? I don't know if you have the tank yet but 30" tall is gonna be a pain to work in. Personally I would just go with a standard 180. Might even work out cheapet
I hear what your saying on the 30" but I already have it sooooo. I might do an angel or tang but mostly thinking butterflies

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The Saddleback and golden get quite large but other than that it is a nice list. I would still omit the Aurigas. For sure it will fight the falcula. Blue throats are beautiful but shy. Tominis are nice too. Nice list
saddleback (from Fiji) and collare are picky eaters.

Falcula and Auriga may fight because they look too similar.
Thanks for the reply . Do you have any experience keeping saddleback or collare? Any feeding tips? I will only buy individuals that are eating or at least showing interest in eating

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With saddleback, I ordered from Liveaquaria twice.

1st one never ate and died.

2nd one only ate clams, squid and fish roe.
It will not eat those if they have been soaked in vitamin s.

It slowly got skinny and died despite feeding 3 times a day.

People say they have success feeding only frozen food, but that has not been my experience. Only pellets have been able to sustain my fish long term.

No experience with collare but people keep posting about how they don't eat.
I have a Collare and mine eats everything including pellets. I give it varied foods, clams, mysis, nori, NLS pellets. Have only had it four months but so far so good.
As others have said, I would remove auriga from your list. Also, most of your list is big butterflies. Pearlscales are a great alternative. punctatofasciatus and rafflesi are also nice smaller species.