buying frag plugs?


Ex FMAS bod member
Premium Member
Where is a good place to buy frag plugs/disks either locally or on line?
Sent you a pm.

I've ordered from them before and I love both the plugs and the square tiles.
I'm going to be placing another bulk order this week if anyone wants to get in on it.
I gotta step out, but I'll reply back to anyone who wants in when I get back in a little bit.
I'll be placing the order in the next couple days.
I want 8 bags. How soon can we order? I also need to go back outside to clean an acrylic tank that I will be selling.
I always buy from oceanwonders but now am changing it up because with ceramic plugs/disks they don't need to be cured so you can add hundreds at one time without any ill effects.

The new ones I am going to try are from


Personally, I just use rock rubble. Cheaper than anything you can buy online and blends in to whatever aquascape you glue it on to.

If you like the "posts" that come with plugs, then make your own. Simply glue a short piece of acrylic rod to your rock rubble.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11922248#post11922248 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ding2daDong
I always buy from oceanwonders but now am changing it up because with ceramic plugs/disks they don't need to be cured so you can add hundreds at one time without any ill effects.
The aragonite ones from oceanswonders says they're already cured, but I still just dump mine in a bucket of SW when I get them and pull them out as needed.
I've been thinking about keeping a few hundred in my fuge so they get some coralline growth before I use them.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11922527#post11922527 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfragger101
Personally, I just use rock rubble. Cheaper than anything you can buy online and blends in to whatever aquascape you glue it on to.

If you like the "posts" that come with plugs, then make your own. Simply glue a short piece of acrylic rod to your rock rubble.
I was making my own for a while out of agrocrete.

Here they are next to the 100% caribsea aragonite ones from oceanwonders:


Then after the wife watched me waste several days and several dollars making molds and batches of the DIY ones she found out how cheap the premade ones were and told me to just buy a few hundred and be done with it.
I still use rubble rock for certain frags, but it's so much easier and quicker to make dozens with these and the square tiles, and they maximize space in the eggcrate racks like odd pieces of rubble can't.
If you want to give them a try let me know and I'll drop a sample bag off at your house when I'm on my way home from Coral Springs after work this week.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11924001#post11924001 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue
If you want to give them a try let me know and I'll drop a sample bag off at your house when I'm on my way home from Coral Springs after work this week.

I still have lots of rock rubble and several bags of ceramic plugs and I'm actually not going to be fragging anything in mass quantities for awhile yet but thanks for the offer.

You are still welcome to stop on by anytime and check out what I have going on.
Oh yeah, I want to place the order Monday so they get here before the fragswap.

It's 20% off for orders of 25 bags or more which I'm sure we'll have covered.
So if anyone else is interested let me know how many and exactly which ones you want by Monday.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11924496#post11924496 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfragger101
You are still welcome to stop on by anytime and check out what I have going on.
Sometime after work I'll stop by with a couple brews and do that.
I make aragonite plugs. I will bring some to the next meeting so you can try some. I would put them in the auction, but I am nopt sure if they are going to have one with the frag swap coming up.
Only one person has PM'd me with exactly the different ones that they wanted.

I'm just going to assume that everyone wants the regular frag plugs unless they post or pm me differently.
So if you want tiles or discs, etc. instead of plugs let me know before 6pm Monday.

Also, for anyone interested in their other products like the prop tools, glue, or frag racks, the 20% discount will be honored for all the products on that page (including the sale priced items) for this order. :thumbsup:

Treeman, I'd be really interested to see the ones you've made at the meeting.
I was going to eventually buy a small kiln and make ceramic ones, but if you've got a method for making them out of aragonite like the ones we're getting then that's so much the better.