buying frag plugs?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11925882#post11925882 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue
Only one person has PM'd me with exactly the different ones that they wanted.

I'm just going to assume that everyone wants the regular frag plugs unless they post or pm me differently.
So if you want tiles or discs, etc. instead of plugs let me know before 6pm Monday.

Also, for anyone interested in their other products like the prop tools, glue, or frag racks, the 20% discount will be honored for all the products on that page (including the sale priced items) for this order. :thumbsup:

Treeman, I'd be really interested to see the ones you've made at the meeting.
I was going to eventually buy a small kiln and make ceramic ones, but if you've got a method for making them out of aragonite like the ones we're getting then that's so much the better.

Pm'd you with my specifics.
Moving the deadline to 1pm, Monday.

Moving the deadline to 1pm, Monday.

I'm pretty sure everyone who wants frag supplies has either posted or pm'd by now and we've already made the 25 bag quota for the 20% discount.
So I'm going to move the deadline up from 6pm to 1pm tomorrow so that the order gets here one business day sooner.

Anyone who wants to add, change, specify, or cancel your order please let me know before 1pm tomorrow, Monday the 25th.

I'll send everyone a confirmation of what they told me to order before noon so you can doublecheck.

After the order is placed I'll pm everyone with their totals and anyone who's going to the meeting Tues night can pay me back there, otherwise I'll collect when the order gets here.
If anyone wants to pay me thru paypal with their credit/debit card, pm me for a revised total because paypal charges the person receiving the money a small fee.
Had some things to take care of around the house.
Will be sending out PMs in a few minutes for everyone to double check.
Ok, PMs are all sent with each total.

I'll place the order in about an hour to give anyone a chance to make a correction or cancel.

My cell is 954-242-5317
Home is 954-726-4460
The shipping labels were printed from paypal late Tues. night.
I don't see any updates from USPS, but from my previous experiences they suck at updating their tracking website until after the package has been delivered which completely defeats the whole purpose of a tracking number in the first place...

I'm sure it was shipped the next day, Wed, which means it will probably arrive today or tomorrow.
OK, a partial shipment arrived yesterday and I just got the chance to go thru it.
Lucky for you guys, everyone's stuff is here but mine.:rolleye1:
I'm sure the last package should be here today, so don't cry too hard for me.

My cell is 954-242-5317
Lacy already talked to me and is meeting me in Coral Springs this morning to get her's since we'll both be in the area.
I'm working in the C.S. area today and have everyone's stuff with me.

I'm also planning to take a trip down to see either Exotic Aquatic or Reef's Edge tomorrow (I haven't been to either yet) so we could also meet then/there.
(oh yeah, did I mention today's my birthday? so if any of you want to get me something while we're there... :D) :p
I'm leaning toward Exotic since I have to go to Pedro's to pick up the anemone anyway.

Send me a pm to make arrangements for tomorrow, or give me a call if you want to meet me today.
Happy B-day John! Hope the frag plugs turned out well, and that'll be a really nice RBTA. Sounds like a good b-day present to me.
Thanks, Eric. :celeb1:
I already told my Mom that's what her b-day money bought, so she told me I have to name it "Darlene" after her. :D
OK, Lacy and Bawla have theirs.
I'll arrange to drop off coralfragger's since he lives near my work.
Carlos will be meeting me at the fragswap.

No one else has been in touch by pm or phone.
I'll be off tomorrow and my itinerary includes Tank Depot in Pompano, Pets Unlimited in Coral Springs, and Big Al's in Tamarac to check out their $1 sale.

I also got a BA $50 giftcard as a bday present so I'll be at Big Al's wednesday night for double points night to buy some supplies if anyone wants to meet me before the fragswap to get their plugs then give me a call or send a pm.