Byropsis issue- AF Interactions with raising Mg to 1800+


AEFW Distructor
I have been fighting a major battle with byropsis for what seems like forever.

Is there any issues with using AF products and raising the Mag to 1800-2000?
Diesel, I think that could be risky to sps corals with accelerated mag and ULNS. I have successfully treated cyano, but this had nothing to do with elevated parameters. Bryopsis is one of those problems I have only had to deal with once, thankfully, it is hard to get rid of. Best of luck, keep the thread updated with what you choose to do.
Thanks Plyle. Agreed. Byropsis is like the plague. It's extremely difficult, lately I have been feeling like starting over because of it.

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I'm not really ULNS though, maybe that will help. Po4 0 and nitrates at 30-40 (I'm one of the AF users exhibiting higher nitrates

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If I'm not wrong it was not high Mg but specifically Kent composition what people has reported to work against bryopsis. Bryopsis is also known by not acusing ulns. Some had sucess with H2O2 (there's a big thread here in RC).

Good luck Diesel
Kent didn't work on this stuff. From what I can tell, the new tech m lots are hit or miss.

People have had success with the brightwells as well due because the guy that originally formulated tech m is now at brightwell

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Thx, h2o2 has done nothing for me on this. Even spot treatments out of the tank. Gets killed, then comes back

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Are you positive it is bryopsis? Some calothrix and lyngbya looks very similar. Even fern like from my understanding.
I'll post a couple pics tomorrow when I get back in town

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I'm dealing with spots of bryopsis right now too. I've actually raised my magnesium to 2200 with Kent M in an effort to rid it as I've read that it may require boosting to that high to work. It's been at that level for 2 weeks and doing nothing. I've had no I'll effects to coral or other livestock from doing this and I'm heavily stocked with SPS.

I'm now spot treating every couple days with a mix of peroxide and baking soda and going to let the mag drop back to normal with water changes as it's doing nothing.