C-Sea Frag Swap Cleveland, Ohio Oct 22nd - 2 Guest Speakers!


New member
C-SEA 2016 Frag Swap!

Our club would like to invite you on October 22nd 2016 to our annual Frag Swap!

Oct. 22nd 2016, Doors open at 11:00am and the show runs until 4:00pm.

Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds
164 Eastland Road
Berea, Ohio 44107

We have 3 very special guest speakers for this year:

Jeff Kurtz and Chris Aldrich from SaltwaterSmarts.com speak at 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Marc Levinson from MelevsReef.com will give his presentation from 1:30pm to 2:20pm
Mark Levinson will also be doing a meet and greet from 2:30pm to 3:00pm

Begins at 3:00

A Reef Creation
AznNutty's Saltwater Connection
Cherry Corals
Illusion Aquatics
Labo's Aquatics
Marin Biosystems
Motor City Coral
M.T. Reefs
Pacific East Aquaculture
Spike Corals
The Zoanthid Garden

(More to come! Stay Tuned!)

Come join us and enjoy the fun!
I see one listing for the C-Sea swap and in order to reserve it you must be signed in. It is also very early for listings, they start popping up about 4 weeks out.
Yeah, that's what I mean. Can't reserve any coral because there are none! Hope to see some posting soon.....................