Calcium level problems (still)

not ecooper

New member
Was in a few weeks ago and got some ESV Bionic when my calcium levels were beginning to cause me problems. I got it up some, but the whole thing is gone and my levels still are only in the 350 range. (And now dropping, because no one even near me sells anything that will accomplish what I need, except Inland and when I know what you guys sell it for I bite the bullet until I can get over there.)

It was mentioned to me that I could use Turbo calcium while I was in there, but Bionic was the better option.

Will turbo calcium help? Is it going to cause a drop in my alkalinity? Should I get some turbo calcium to get me up and then the Bionic to maintain it?

Thanks guys. You know I love you.
yep, i check my alk every other day and salinity every night, bit of a pain but im anal about my tank lol
Yep, Turbo Calcium will work. Do you know why you are having problems keeping your Calcium levels up? Have you checked your Magnesium levels? It sounds like you are having the same problems I was....checked my Magnesium levels, and they were too low. I added Kent's Tech-M, and now, everything is perfect.

Good Luck,
Hm. Lovely. LOL Misery loves company....and yes, I'm feeling really stupid over this whole calcium problem. (How did it get so low? I didn't test it for a week. A WEEK. It was right around 400 so I didn't worry about it and then this happens....grrr....)

So what is the best way to raise my alk as I raise my calcium?
Ecooper.. I also use ESV B-Ionic and am having problems.

I have a new tank just over 8 weeks. A few weeks ago I got my first Calcium test kit. My purple algae was getting white dots on them so my LFS said I should start with a Calcium buffer. My test read at about 300 ppm and the Alkalinity was around 8.4 KH with a PH of 8.2.

Now after using for just a week my Calcium is 350 ppm, Kh=12.6, and PH = 8.2 to 8.3.

According to seachem Alkalinity test guild the kh is very high ( is this true ) but my Ca needs to be around 400 to 420 ppm.

My question.. Can I just add the Calcium part on the 2 part mix buffer to my tank or do I have to add both like the directions say? Or should I get a different supplement for just my Ca?

Any help will be appreciated.

I have heard that you can just add the Calcium part of the 2-parters, but I think it would be best to add strictly a Calcium supplement, such as Kent's Turbo Calcium (that's what I did!).

If your Ca level <380, then increase 2-part dosage + add CaCl until Ca level is > 380-400. This 2nd Ca additive will elevate the tank Ca levels. dKH >6 is all the buffer needed,Bob
Emily.....keep in mind that when adding all of this Calcium to your tank it is going to drive your dkh down in a hurry. Don't let it slip too far. Get that teeter totter balanced! ;)

Hey, I haven't added anything. I haven't come to see you guys yet, and I won't make it there until Friday....

Thats why I'm asking NOW what to do. lol Grief....

OK, between my Ca levels and my chrystoperus with brook, this is such a NOT GOOD day....

I'm gonna go drink like two beers and smoke a pack of cigarettes and see what happens when I wake up in the morning.... wonder I'm on anxiety meds. lol