Calcium levels low in new water....


New member
Hey all,
My son has started his first tank. He's running a 75g with 20g refuge. It's been thru a good cycle over the past month and we've seen some decent coralline growth on some of the rocks. Trying to get the parameters right for some LPS and SPS possibilities, we are getting parameters of

PH 8.0-8.1
calc 300-320

Those are at 1.024 and 1.025. We are using Coralife salt and have 0ppm from our 5 stage setup of RODI. I am on a well here instead of city water. I haven't tested Mag yet but, does this sound right? I shook the salt container up and mixed a fresh gallon to test. Recalibrated my refractometer with RODI. I can't think of anything else other than dosing. I know when I lived in this area about 7 years ago, the city water was much higher in Calc but we are in a different area of town now. Could he have some bad salt? He's not happy waiting to get it stocked with some neat stuff. He's got a small Zoa frag, a brain frag and a sailfish and a few snails. I don't want to add more if this will hinder it.

I know, I'll get a Mag test kit but I'd have thought fresh mixed salt water would be higher than 300???

What does you salt manufacturer say about calcium levels? My salt (Tropic Marin pro reef) says their salt will make calcium at around 440.

It's also my understanding that Corraline algae will eat up some calcium.
the jug says 390-410 at 1.021-1.023 and 8.2-8.3 ph. I haven't seen those numbers in any mix from this bucket yet. You think it's the salt and not my water?
I'm not sure, i'm new to this. Maybe it's a testing error? All of my parameters that the salt says will produce seems to be accurate with the exception of my Calcium, it's higher than what it says it should be. So, i just shrugged that off as a testing error. Take a water sample to a local fish store to get a second opinion, I did that to get my salinity checked to make sure i calibrated the refractometer correctly.
I might try so different salt here too. A local reefer thinks it might be that.

Petco is our only place in town. As little as I know, I know more than them.
Have you tried to measure a known sample or taken a sample to be checked by your LFS?

Your test kit or process could be off too..
I have re read the method and done it per the guidance on the tank and a fresh batch of salt mixed water as well. If there is a problem, I'd think it in the test set then. A more experienced reefer is stopping by to help with the APEX system on the tank and he'll see what he thinks. He may validate your thought. For simplicity's sake, I hope you are right.
Hey all,
My son has started his first tank. He's running a 75g with 20g refuge. It's been thru a good cycle over the past month and we've seen some decent coralline growth on some of the rocks. Trying to get the parameters right for some LPS and SPS possibilities, we are getting parameters of

PH 8.0-8.1
calc 300-320

Those are at 1.024 and 1.025. We are using Coralife salt and have 0ppm from our 5 stage setup of RODI. I am on a well here instead of city water. I haven't tested Mag yet but, does this sound right? I shook the salt container up and mixed a fresh gallon to test. Recalibrated my refractometer with RODI. I can't think of anything else other than dosing. I know when I lived in this area about 7 years ago, the city water was much higher in Calc but we are in a different area of town now. Could he have some bad salt? He's not happy waiting to get it stocked with some neat stuff. He's got a small Zoa frag, a brain frag and a sailfish and a few snails. I don't want to add more if this will hinder it.

I know, I'll get a Mag test kit but I'd have thought fresh mixed salt water would be higher than 300???


If your tank is new, calcium can range from 250-450 (i recommend maintaining 420 ppm from my experience) its normal if you havent dosed the tank for calcium, alk and magnesium. Try using the 2 part system on brs and use their calculator. If im not mistaken magnesium allows calcium and alk ions to form a bond and maintain steady water perameters . Just try not to raise the calcium levels more than 50 ppm in a single day. Good luck to you
A more experienced reefer is stopping by to help with the APEX system on the tank and he'll see what he thinks. He may validate your thought. For simplicity's sake, I hope you are right.

See if he will bring his cal test kit too and verify.. :thumbsup:
THere are fish-only salts and reef salts. A reef salt should have a relatively high calcium level, and higher mg level. It's what you're paying for.