Calcium stable dose but alkalinity isn't ?


Will work for fish
Hi guys. I dose with a bubble Magnus 30ml, on a 24 hour cycle at 12 point increments for my calcium. My calcium and magnesium is stable at 450/1400 but my alkalinity fluctuates and ultimately runs high.

Can somebody help me understand why my calcium is stable but my alk isn't? I don't dose mag it stays at 1400.

I do weekly 10% water changes

Thank you!!!

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If your alk is increasing over time lower your dosage..
If your alk is decreasing over time increase your dosage..

There is also quite a bit of potential variation in measurement tools/techniques so its important that you don't chase numbers and don't over react to minor fluctuation.

"Ultimately runs high" IMO means you simply need to lower your alk dosage..
In my experience, alk seems to react more quickly than calc to an excess or shortage of dosing. If my dosing is too low, it seems to show up much quicker in my alk numbers than my calc numbers. It has also been my experience that you are more likely to need to dose more alk than calc if you're not dosing the same amounts. How much of each are you dosing a day?

Also, as previously mentioned, be careful with your testing. For alk, I generally use the Hanna checker but will sometimes run it a couple of times and/or do a Salifert test for comparison, particularly when I get an unexpected result. It's probably best not to overreact to a single result.

Consumption may not be equal.
I autodose with the same frequency as you.
But daily, I need 1ml MG, 13ml, CA and 22ml, ALk to stay on point.
I use pre-made Seachem products so that concentration of the supplement remains consistent.
Consumption may not be equal.

I autodose with the same frequency as you.

But daily, I need 1ml MG, 13ml, CA and 22ml, ALk to stay on point.

I use pre-made Seachem products so that concentration of the supplement remains consistent.
In my experince, imbalanced dosing can lead to problems that can mask itself as imbalanced consumption/demand.
Except for some special cases that usually are short lived, alk and ca dosing should be equal if you are using a 2 part solution.
The only scenario alk and ca dosing is diffrent if you are using diffrent concentration solutions...
My 2 cents

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Unless you have clams or tons of sps, Ca will not need to be dosed or monitored like alk.
How are you dosing alk, NaHCO3 drip? As stated, it will fluctuate 10-20% during the day..
I use Salifert and test once a week, don't chase numbers, give a range of like 2.8-3.5 mEq/L if you are not using a Ca reactor.
With a Ca reactor, #s will be very stable after dialed.
Unless you have clams or tons of sps, Ca will not need to be dosed or monitored like alk.
How are you dosing alk, NaHCO3 drip? As stated, it will fluctuate 10-20% during the day..
I use Salifert and test once a week, don't chase numbers, give a range of like 2.8-3.5 mEq/L if you are not using a Ca reactor.
With a Ca reactor, #s will be very stable after dialed.
Just for the sake of readers: ca not need to be monitored often correct.
Not need to be dosed is incorrect.
Both alk and ca shoild be dosed alwayes otherwise you will have an imbalance system.
CArx dose both alk and ca equally and that's why it one of the best systems to run as the reefer do not have much oppurtunity to mess with system balance by dosing ome element without the other...

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