calcium supplement ?


New member
i just boght my first two corals a mushroom and a zoo i put them in my tank and both opened up with in a few hours, but the next day i found out my calcium was low so i went to the lfs and they gave me Reef calcium by seachem and reef carbonate by seachem, anyways i added the only the calcuim and it rasied my alkalinty to 5.8 meq/l i was wondering if anyone was familar with these product and also how to lower my alkalinty.
ps im doing a water change this evening thank you for your replys
IMO both of those corals will do just fine with regular water changes. A water change should help bring your alk back in line. If you add SPS and LPS corals, then you might want to consider a balanced 2 part solution like B-Ionic. IMO it's an easy way to help maintain Ca and Alk levels in small to moderate size tanks. The products your LFS gave you aren't bad. But you asked and they sold.
I do the kalk drip ...but you could do the B-Ionic...but i don't like to keep adding supplement and water to my tank so thats why i do the kalk drip...also you might want to get Stontium & Molybdenum for the corals if you dont have it already,,and phytoplankton...i use DT's live phytoplankton...just some advice good luck....if you need any help just me
If your dosing a 2 part cal/alk then you must test regularly, it's very easy to overdose and throw your tank chemistry off-balance. I find it much easier to drip kalk.