came home to no power


In Memoriam
So I came home and none of the pumps running on the 1 power strip were running. my whole main tank had no flow for howerever long. I only went out for dinner and everything looks good. my sump overflowed but thats because I haven't gotten around to drilling a siphon break on my frag tank(looks like i'm doing it tomorrow)

anyways my question is...

when I plug back in my closed loop pump. (mag 9.5) it's sparks. I'm guessing the pump is bad??? I dried off everything and thats the onlyl thing that still sparks.

thank goodness I was only gone for dinner and not on vacation!!!
Like alot of sparks from the outlet or just a little one when looking very closely at it?

If it SPARKS! Then I would bet the pump is bad. Maybe put it in a bucket with water, plug in the pump and touch the water with a volt or amp prongs to see if it is leeching electricity.

I would definetly fix the overflow box because air can build up and that siphon will eventually break.

Hope that helps.

If you need any help or have any other questions feel free to give me a call.


lots of I know when you plug a pump in it should give a little spark at the beginning because the power starts running....but this thing like sparks!!! I'm guessing the pumps bad.

maybe this is a sign to get the wavebox? closed loop fries? LOL

Anyone got a mag 9.5 or 12 or a wavebox lying around they could sell?
I would definitely replace the pump. BTW, if you have the Mag plumbed externally, that is not recommended by the manufacturer. You should replace it with a pump that is designed for external use.
oh really? I always thought that mags were fine to be plumbed externally.

I really want to replace the closed loop with a wavebox...but I can't be spending 400-500 on a tunze. Does anyone know of another company or someone that makes them?
alright...we'll after finally taking the pump off and looking it over. the wire was cut and spliced back together. I'm thinking one of the connections was loose or something. I'm going to go rewire, solder, and then e-tape the whole thing and see how it goes.
so it turns out the magnet in the pump cracked...guessing that's why you shouldn't run mags externally? heat issues??? the pump is fried...I either need to replace it or exnay my closed loop.

anyone on here have a mag 9.5 or 12 for sale?
Koralias are a cheap alternative and less power consumption. Several members are abandoning closed loops for powerheads because of the energy consumption compared to the amount of water moved.