In Memoriam
So I came home and none of the pumps running on the 1 power strip were running. my whole main tank had no flow for howerever long. I only went out for dinner and everything looks good. my sump overflowed but thats because I haven't gotten around to drilling a siphon break on my frag tank(looks like i'm doing it tomorrow)
anyways my question is...
when I plug back in my closed loop pump. (mag 9.5) it's sparks. I'm guessing the pump is bad??? I dried off everything and thats the onlyl thing that still sparks.
thank goodness I was only gone for dinner and not on vacation!!!
anyways my question is...
when I plug back in my closed loop pump. (mag 9.5) it's sparks. I'm guessing the pump is bad??? I dried off everything and thats the onlyl thing that still sparks.
thank goodness I was only gone for dinner and not on vacation!!!