Camera recomendation

j.p. harrington

New member
Wanted to start taking some pics of my tank and need a decent one to take with.

Doesnt have to be all out proffesional stuff just a really good one that can pic up on the colors really good
In that case take a look at the stick, up above, about DSLRs. There's enough information there for you to make an informed decision.

If you decide that you'd be happier with a point & shoot type camera, you should look for one that allows you to shoot in RAW mode. It should be listed in the camera specifications. Basically, it allows you to account for the color of lighting that we use on your computer rather than trying to make the camera figure it out.
If you decide that you'd be happier with a point & shoot type camera, you should look for one that allows you to shoot in RAW mode. It should be listed in the camera specifications. Basically, it allows you to account for the color of lighting that we use on your computer rather than trying to make the camera figure it out.

ditto - I mostly use a DSLR, but I also have a P&S (Canon s90). It's great to just throw in the pocket but still gives me a lot of the manual flexibility that I have come to love (need :)).
Budget not a concern? In that case, I'd recommend the Canon 1Ds MIII with the 100mm IS macro lens. Of course, you'll also want to get something like the 24-70L as well for full tank shots and every day picture taking. I think that should run you somewhere around $8,500, give or take a thousand.

On a more serious note, as far as point and shoots go, the G12 does look to be a very good camera. I just did a bunch of research on a new camera for my squadron that would be good quality yet easy to operate, and that was my final recommendation.
Maybe something like this for those far away shots!!!!


Get a good tripod though!!!!!