can 6105 and 6055 run less than 30% speed?


Floodicus Maximus Flooris
I know a problem with the older 6100's and 6200s with the apex was you couldnt run them lower than 30%. is this stll true for the 6105's and 6055's????????
The Tunzes are supposed to get 3-8V input. I guess that your Apex supplies 1-10V. I own a GHL and set the output on the ports to control my Tunze to 3-8V. Then I do not have to worry about setting them at below 30% or above 80%.

I have not tried with lover voltages to my 6055 or 6105 and have never owned the older models. But it might give you a clue why they do not like settings below 30%.
The power should not dip below 30%, at these low speeds two things happen, the prop assembly becomes like a gyroscope that is slowing and unstable and it wobbles and makes noise. Also, the pumping rate is too low to sufficiently cool the motor and can cause an overheat.