can anyone id this ?

looks like it may be brown wafer algae.
my advice is PULL IT NOW! i made the mistake of
thinking it looked cool too. now it's over running
my rocks & corals. i've found nothing that will stop it.
my tang, emerald crabs, limpets, assorted snails, hermits,
etc. won't touch it. now it's running rampant. i'd
rather have the bryopsis back ;)

Is it very hard? Could it be a plating type of coralline red algae? It looks a little too red to be any type of brown algae to me.

kevin , it doesn't feel like coralline , its kinda flexable . it is really red . i was going to take it out last night but i decided to wait and this morning alot of it was gone . what i read of wafer algae is that nobody seems to be able to find anything to eat it . so i don't know what this stuff is