Can anyone ID?


New member
Just wondering if anyone knows what this might be. Looks kind of like a snail without a shell or a slug. The body is hard and the tail is soft. Not sure if it's a pest or a friend. The picture is not the greatest but hopefully someone can ID. Thanks in advance for the help.


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I agree, stomatella. I have a bunch of these in my girlfriend's biocube. They multiply like crazy! At first i didnt wanna hurt them while i used the mag float on the glass but once you bump into them they fall right off lol
Yes looks like a Stomatella snail.

Funny story, my wife and I were at home watching TV when she says "there's smoke in your tank" WHAT!!! I thought it was a fire or something so I jump up and catch a stomatella snail spraying sperm into the water column.

I seen this behavior before so I just tell her "Naa those are just some snails getting it on" lol..

Here's a vid