Can Anyone Identify this Sandbed Gunk?


New member
Hello RC Swimmers,

I have had this line of brownish green gunk growing in my sandbed for over two weeks on one side of my tank. Can anyone tell me if it is algae or what? The tank has been cycling for over a month and the parameters are ammonia~0,nitrate~10, salinity~1.022, nitrite~.15 and falling(just added live stock caused the spike in nitrite), and ph~8.3. I do frequent water changes and usually keep the salinity at 1.025. I am in the process of raising the salinity, but the gunk has been growing for awhile. I have had no algae outbreak since I started my tank over a month ago. So might this be the first signs. If you have any suggestions or comments please help!

16 gal bow
17 lbs LR
20 lbs LS
601 powerhead
3 fish
8 invertabrates






Looks like diatoms which would be the first signs of algae. It is totally normal and will go away once thetank starts to mature and stabilize.
Looks like diatoms. I think its natural for a cycling tank. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. :lol:

Blown 346 - you beat me to it. At least I see that I'm learning.
Yep, diatoms. You can use a vacuum siphon tube when you siphon out water for your water changes to get rid of it.


Well thankyou for the info. I have some turbo snails and margarita snails, but no cerith. So I will pick up the lil buggers this weekend to help control any outbreaks. Thank again All!
If that's diatoms, what's the stuff you see under the sandbed of established tanks that takes on purple and reddish hues?
as much as I also agree that the snails will take care of it. I myself would not rely totally on the snails I would do about a 10 % water change and vaccum off the bottom.I say this because that stuff can spread fast and than it is a real mess. Good luck and let us know how it works out Scott