My tank is almost 3 months old and my sand bed is only 2-2 1/2" of live sand. Can I add more now without disturbing anything? The LFS told me I only needed the 40#. I would like to add at least 20#. Thanks in advance.
40 pounds is a little skimp. They say (whoever they is) that there should be 1-2 pds. per gallon. If you want a DSB, then more than that. You can add the sand, but its gonna be cloudy for a couple of days, but I dont think its recommended.
two unrelated answers. the first is the ongoing debate between deep sandbed proponents and shallow or no sandbed advocates. Make sure you want a DSB (good and bad points to consider)
the second is that adding sand will make another dust storm similar to the one you had when you first set up. that won't be particularly good for your livestock. one way to minimize (but not eliminate) it is to stir the sand into a bucket of saltwater and soak it overnight to let it get wet. then try to release the sand slowly at the bottom of the tank rather than in the water column. a couple of ways to do that--1) get a couple feet of 3" pvc pipe and place one end on the sandbed and then slowly add the wet sand at the other end and let it settle, and 2) fill plastic bags with wet sand and sink them to the bottom then slowly pour them out. emphasis on both is to go slowly. perhaps others have had luck with another technique?
I would like to add another bag of Carib-sea. The sand is wet and really does not make too much of a storm. I do not want the DSB but would like to be able to fluctuate the sand depth for asthetics.
I am sure I can get the sand in their without a storm. what I am looking to learn what the bio impacts will be adding a thin layer of LS on top of so called cured LS?
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