Can I get some Zoanthids?


New member
I was wondering if I could get some zoanthids. I have a 25 gallon tank with a Smith Damsel, 2 Percula Clowns, a Bubble Tip Anemone, and 3 Peppermint Shrimp. The tank has only been up for a little over 2 months. When I went to buy some zoas my LFS said that I should wait a little while because I had been protein skimming. She said not to start skimming until about 6 months after you set up your tank to give the critters that corals eat a chance to start growing. What are your opinions on this?
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrates a all 0. pH 8.2. SG 1.026. Calcium 380. KH 8-10. I'll have to go test fir phosphates, I haven't dont that today.
When I went to buy some zoas my LFS said that I should wait a little while because I had been protein skimming. She said not to start skimming until about 6 months after you set up your tank to give the critters that corals eat a chance to start growing. What are your opinions on this?

I'd stop asking questions at that store.
She really seemed to know what she was talking about. I'm glad I always double check on one forum or the other. So, I should continue to skim? I do have one problem with the skimmer. Even with the cup set all the way up the foam that comes up us white, and when the bubbles pop the water is clear. Why is that?
I have never used a remora so I can't give any advice on it, but I can say the advice that your lfs person gave is not the best.