Can I keep the tank covered and 3/4 of the sump covered if...


New member
If I have the display tank covered with glass (small areas for feeding and a little O2 exchange) and 3/4 of the sump covered with an airstone, will I run into trouble with a lack of gas exchange?

I need to keep the surface covered (tank is in a school) and I would like to cut down on evaporation. I know some guys don't cover anything...but our school is known to be very dusty.

What do you think?

65g acrylic
4x96w PC's
29g sump

You should be ok. Just remember, when covered... heat... You will have to dissipate heat somehow. Do you have a chiller on the tank? And salt creep, that will be an almost daily cleaning problem. If it is a fish only tank, the salt creep won't be such a problem for light, if there are light hungy corals, you will have to clean constantly. Just something to think about.

My 2 pennies,
I just removed my MH/PC hood for a new Tek T5 fixture, less heat... right? I figured I would cover about 90% of tank. Well even though I have almost no heat from the lights my tank temp rose 6 degrees yesterday (85) . Well I promply removed the covering and it started coming down.

I'm now just covering the rear area and the overflow and across the front yto prevent salt creep.
