can i keep zoa's and Ricordea with SPS?

Yes you can, will your corals like it? Probably not. If you really want to keep different corals together make sure that they have similar stinging power. Or your safest bet would be to keep them distant in the tank.
I think in time the zoa's will take over your tank in time crowding out other sps corals
You can keep zoo's, just stay away from ALL shrooms. The are super lethal to SPS corals and can limit growth.
I had to sacrifice not having any zoos...I really like them...but I have an sps I got rid of all zoos. One of these days I'll have a softie tank so I can have them.
I have a completely mixed tank and was getting good growth and excellent color with no issues (until the dreaded AEFW's...). I kept my zoas separate from the sps, just to make it easier to frag them, and because they don't need the extra light (more room to cram more sps in there). The main issue I've had is that my LPS don't like the amount of light as much (for the most part)...
Mixed reef here too. SPS on one side, softies on the opposite. They can't take over the SPS if they can't reach them.
Yes for Rics....
