can i mvoe this yellow tang to this 5g temp ?


In Memoriam
I have a 4-5 inch yellow tang, and the tank he was in has had an ammonia spike for 3-4 days now. I got almost 1 gallon of nitrifying bacteria in there but 24hrs later the ammonia is still at the same levels, well slightly lower but nothing worth noting. Prime dosing in salt water i noticed stresses fish out in fact ive killed fish dosing prime in salt water, i think its how it reduces oxygen levels.. Regardless dosing the appropriate amount of prime every 24 hrs for the last 3-4 days doesnt seem to be doing anything, the tang is breathing heavy now and its lips are turning red.

I dont really want to cross contaminate this tank and my main display tank by putting him the main tank, and all i have for a clean cycled tank is a 5.5g tank, ammonia and everything is fine in that tank.

Is it ok if i put him in there for a week or so until the ammonia levels go back to normal in the tank he was in ?

Or should i put him in my 135g tank ? I mean i guess it doesnt matter if i cross the tanks, ive swapped damsels and corals/snails in the tanks and nothing happend. But i have the 135 dialed down perfectly with the tangs, foxface and stuff i have in there and id hate to mess that up. I know the 5g would probly stress it out more with no room, so im debating on what to do... I just reaaally would hate to mess up the order of things in my big tank.. but i also dont want this big tang to die
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Well i just out him in the 5.5g hes eating. So thats good.. but i thought about it and i decided to put him in my 135... hope that je diesnt carry anything or disruot the tank... and i hope his ammonia burns heal
So the tang was in qt? Then qt showed some ammonia?

People control ammonia in qt with water changes and Prime. Lots of folks use prime in saltwater. I believe the ammonia will still read the same after adding Prime, it's just not as toxic of a form.

Good luck, and sorry you didn't get quick enough advice.
Yeah, but you did (probably) the right thing. Hopefully the fish did not have cryptocaryon irritans. You didn't say what size the tank was that he was in, but ideally you want at least a 20g quarantine tank for a fish that size - a 40g breeder would be better if you anticipate residency for 3 or 4 weeks.

You may already know this, but tanks/containers for QT can be had very cheaply. Petco runs 1$/gal sales on their glass tanks regularly, so you can pick up 20g/40g tanks for $20/$40. But for quarantine, the tank doesn't have to be glass; large rubbermaid containers/brute trash cans also work, and have some advantages over glass tanks if you're doing the TTM of ridding the fish of any ich possibility. The drawback of the opaque plastic containers is that you can't see the fish from the side, so a lot of folks use rubbermaid containers for 3 cycles of TTM, then move the fish to a glass QT for observation.
So the tang was in qt? Then qt showed some ammonia?

People control ammonia in qt with water changes and Prime. Lots of folks use prime in saltwater. I believe the ammonia will still read the same after adding Prime, it's just not as toxic of a form.

Good luck, and sorry you didn't get quick enough advice.

No my 2nd main tank he was in had an ammonia spike i couldnt figire out how.

Its back down to 0 today but ima keep him in my maintank for awhike to be sure.

He looks alot better today... But he isnt eating in this tank.. when i had him in the 5 gallon tank he ate lol so i dunno