Can I place my Maxima on the sand bed in a 24" deep tank


New member
Hello, I have a 90gal. Tank that has been running for about 6 months. I want to know where I can put my Electric Blue Maxima? I want to put him on the sand bed. I know people with the same size tank I have and the same lighting that have kept Maxima's. There. My lighting is Duel 175watt 10K MH's and duel 110watt VHO actinics. I have no plans on upgrading my lighting just wanted to here replies from people that have my setup and are keeping clams:)
I have 3 maximas on the bottom of my tank (24 inches deep) and have no sandbed.
They are doing fine...I do have 400 watt mh though.
That's probably flirting with too dim for a maxima. If i were you I'd place him in the rockwork as close to the light as possible. He'll do better and look a lot more natural too.

