Can I save these Zoas?


New member
I Purchased a rock a month ago with 2 patches for half price at a LFS of Zoa's on it the one patch is doing great but the on growing on the clam shell seem to be struggling both patch's had some Necrosis on them I used a scalpel to remove as much as possible it seemed to work for both but now this on seems to be slowly dying? can I remove anymore dead tissue to save it or should I just wait it out?


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Yes remove all dead tissue by all means! Cut them off!
Make sure it's dead/decomposing though.

Hydrogen peroxide dip: 20-30% HP with fresh water for about 3 min.
No scraping or brushing the algae from the polyps!
You could try grab the excess algae with tweezers by pulling gently, and help cleaning that way.
That will relief the algae around them.
The algae alone could suffocate the polyps and they'll die.
I would also scrape them off from the shell, if possible.
They look pretty bad right now...
That's what I would do.

I Just found out that shell was a Live Clam! WOW it has been in the tank for over 45 days and never seen it open and close before now I am wondering if the clam has some sort of defense that is killing the Zoas? I don't know if the Zoas have survived the dip the Algae is dead from the Peroxide but the Zoas have been closed since the Clam is ok even thought the peroxide caused the clam to burp a few times from the bubbles, now I have to figure out what kind of clam it is and it's care, it has done ok on it's own so far! what am I going to find next?
I second Grandis. Scrap them off the shell and mounth them.

The peroxide dip has done wonders for my zoa frags for removing algae and overall helping their health...I had a frag for a month and it wouldn't open anymore than one polyp. Dipped, went on vacation, and now they are all thriving with a few babies!!