Can i take bio balls out ofmy sump and turn it into a fuge????


New member
this is for my buddies tank... he bought a sump with bio balls instead of a fuge like a dumb as*

i told him not to and also told him to make sure he got a fuge.

can we remove the bio balls and just make that compartment a fuge?
Sure thing. May have to do a little acrylic work but nothing major. A few holes here.... A new piece of acrylic there..... And viola! Sump! Just use common sense when you re-design it. Use Gravity to your advantage and it should all work out fine.
I am going to remove my bio balls and convert my filter to a fuge too. I have had mine for 6 or so years, tho, and that is what they recommended at the time. A little acrylic work, like rusty said, but its easy. (i've built other fuges before, not hard). How old is the tank? how much rock is in it?
theres about 80 lbs or more in the main tank we just added.

there is nothing in the sump right now as its not techincally a fuge set up.

i will have to relook at my buddies tank and try and rework it, but as long as i know its a possiblity... thats all im worried about.
