Can I use kinetic energy to drive a protein skimmer?

Stephen Dickson

New member
I am setting up a system that will have a 150G display tank in the living room and the 120G sump/refugium in the basement. I will have an overflow/open turnover rate of 1500GPH pumped from the sump as well as a closed loop also pumping from the basement at 3000GPH. Is there a way to use the kinetic energy from the over flow to drive a protein skimmer, calcium reactor and UV treatment or do I have to run additional pumps? The skimmer I was looking at has a flow rate of 700GPH.
I think it is possible. You have to do the math. What is your skimmer recommended flow and mainly, what is your head loss on water pump to configure how much water you will be able to get back from the tank. Bad think is that you may loose all copepods washed from main tank. So I personaly wouldnt go this way.