Can Montipora have symbiotic crabs like Acros can?


New member
Hi all

Just noticed this small crab (about 3/8" wide) on my green plating monti at the base. The crab itself is very well camouflagued - kinda looks like a little rock or pile of detrutis (sad for him). I didnt know he was there until he ran away. Ive had Acros come with their symbiotic crabs in the branches and was wondering if Monti's could have the same thing.

i have not heard of them, but since monti's and acro's are so closely related i would think it is possible. i just don't think a plating monti would be much of a home for a crab, offering little protection.
yeah thats what I thought...but he is not very visible at all where he was sitting. If anyone needs to know the color, its like a black and white marbled look all over with a little fuzz on the legs. Does that sound like anything harmful anyones heard of?