Can multiple power line interface modules be used?


New member
Title says it all .... all of my gear is plugged into 2 multiple outlet strips that are each wired directly to 2 GFCI breakers in our electrical box. Our power line interface is plugged into one of these strips and generally controls all items on either circuit. Sometimes, however, lights and pumps on the 2nd circuit (the one not connected directly to the PL interface) randomly turn on and off - when they do, I typically cannot over-ride them from the AC unit itself. They modules typically return to their scheduled on or off setting within a few minutes to a few hours, but that is tremendously annoying - especially when the return pump from the sump is the module that gets switched off!

I have noticed, however, that when this happens I can swap the PL interface module from one circuit to the other and I can then re-set the offending module to the state it is supposed to be in. Sometimes not, but usually this works.

Given this scenario, can I split the telephone wire from the AC into 2 feeds and send each to a separate PL interface located on each circuit? Or will the split signal be too weak or counter-act each other in some way?

Thanks for your help! I really need to get this figured out.

Putting two control interfaces on one controller will not work. As tonga_man mentions, it sounds like you need a signal bridge; our part number is SBLEV. Perhaps a cheaper alternative is to have an electrian (or you if qualified), swap breakers around so that the two circuits are on the same leg/phase of power.

Thanks for the replies, guys. I know for certain that each bank of outlets is on a different power phase because the person who hooked them up mentioned that he balanced the load over two phases. I guess I'll have him reverse that first, and if that doesn't work I'll look into the bridge.
