Hey guys I bought this coral about a week ago from my local fish store but I cant think at all of what it was called. Can anyone help me ID this coral? I was thinking a torch or hammer coral?
Right now after a week I still haven't gotten it to open up fully like it was in the store, it was so big with long tentacles to it. If anyone knows what this is, where at in my aquarium would be the best placement for it? As well as how much water flow should it be getting from my powerheads?
Thank you for any help...sorry the pics are kind of blue, i cant for the life of me get a good pic of my tank with my iphone. The second pic is when I first put it in my tank. At the tips of its tentacles, they are a vibrant neon green, the tentacles themselves are a pinkish purple. When it was in the store's tank it was extended fully probably a good 4" almost I'd say.
Right now after a week I still haven't gotten it to open up fully like it was in the store, it was so big with long tentacles to it. If anyone knows what this is, where at in my aquarium would be the best placement for it? As well as how much water flow should it be getting from my powerheads?
Thank you for any help...sorry the pics are kind of blue, i cant for the life of me get a good pic of my tank with my iphone. The second pic is when I first put it in my tank. At the tips of its tentacles, they are a vibrant neon green, the tentacles themselves are a pinkish purple. When it was in the store's tank it was extended fully probably a good 4" almost I'd say.