Can STN be stopped?


New member
I have a poccilopora that seems to be starting STN, but I'm not 100% sure (sorry don't have a pic). I'm just wondering if it is stn whether it could be stopped in any way. The coral is not that big, but big enough to be fragged if that's the only solution. Water parameters seems to be in tact. Alk 8.0, Ca 410, Mag 1300, phosphate undectable. Your help please :(

yes........Find the cause of the problem .........

Poccis love flow and light .

Your levels look fine to me .
Had this trouble. It didn't like:
1. being downwind of a montipora that was being annoyed by hermits.
2. strong flow.
3. too much light.
It will heal fast if you can fix this. I had two tips 'skinned' by bag contact, and it grew back. I have had the aforementioned thinning recently, and the answer was being in the slipstream of an annoyed coral and too much flow.
I have found that placement changes can sometimes help a coral that is declining, however it can have the opposite effect as well. Tough call, when it is really hard for me to determine a cause I will look to change placement as sort of a last resort unless there is definately competition for space from another coral...obvious things like that.