Can this be right, thermometer shock!


New member
so i had this adhesive thermometer on my tank for 3 years when i ran fresh water. i setup my marine tank over 2 months ago, cranked up my heater so it reached around 80 on that thing. few weeks back i decided to buy digital one with temp alarm, i plugged it in and it read 74F i instantly assumed its way off, broken, uncalibrated, etc. decided not to go with it.

today i bought another one, LFS had them on sale, i hooked it up, still reads 74, i am shocked! all this time i was running 74 in my tank or what are the odds that 2 different thermometers read exactly same bad temp?

help :(
Actually, those readings are probably correct. The stick on thermometers are very unreliable and I would avoid them at all cost.