can you "Sun Burn" zoas


New member
I have had 3 colonies of zoes for 3 months and they have been doing great. I wanted some more light on my tank for a long time. I decided to add some optics to my LED fixture. 2 days latter my zoas would not open. After 2 days i pulled the optics off and my opened a small amount but not really. I was wandering if i Sun Burned my zoas? And if they will come back or am i SOL.
you are fine and they will acclimate. Mine are under 400w and only 10 inches deep at max depth, most under 3-4 inches. good luck!
The term you're looking for is photo-bleaching, and yes you can. Be very careful with light acclimation or your corals will lose a lot of color.
Why is it I never have ANY problem with ANY polyp with a 400wXM 20K on a magnatek ballast under a lumenarc reflector. Most color up for the better and the tank is 10 inches at the deepest piont and the reflector is 15 inches above the tank.. So I disagree with the previous two post's.....If you are having a problem then move them down, but in my many years of collecting polyps I have never had "photo-bleaching" JMHO and good luck
The term you're looking for is photo-bleaching, and yes you can. Be very careful with light acclimation or your corals will lose a lot of color.