Canadian 54"x30"x18" shallow peninsula


In the past I worked my way through 60 gallon, 90 gallon and 300 gallon tanks with Reef Central for support and knowledge.. After the 300 gallon seam failed, several years ago, and I was travelling frequently, I sold virtually everything. I am now retired, at least partially, and decided to plan a new tank and familiarize myself with the latest approaches, methods and technology.

The tank will be in a developed basement and connect to the utility room which was used for the prior tanks. The utility room has less available space than previously, but it has a water supply, floor drain and 3 dedicated 15 amp circuits.

Design Basis: Peninsula, shallow lagoon aquarium. I am planning a low fish bioload with a focus on inverts and corals but reality may be different.

Tank: I considered Red Sea, Waterbox and IM peninsula tanks but none matched my exact space requirements. I have ordered a 54” x 30” x 18” acrylic tank from Glass Cages with a Synergy V3 overflow, two return lines and 3” Eurobrace. The 54/30 lengths were based on available space. The tank will be viewable from three sides and if possible, no cables or equipment visible on the three viewing sides.

Sump: Again, I looked at various options including custom designs. The final decision was between a custom design and the Bashsea. The sump can fit under the tank or the 48” length is the maximum possible in the utility room.

Stand: I will build the base stand at a height of 30” which allows a short person (me) to look down into the tank and to be able to reach all areas in the tank without steps. I will probably hire my son to finish (skin) the stand.

Equipment: I have been watching for lightly used or sale or open box equipment and perhaps Labour Day sales will fill further gaps.

  • Controller: Neptune Apex (purchased open box unused). I have used Apex on previous tanks so I will stay with the familiar. My initial plan was to avoid multiple equipment control systems and different BT or wifi apps but “avoid” quickly became “minimize” and “minimize” quickly became “whatever”!
  • AWC: Neptune DOS (purchased open box unused). Salt water container will initially be the largest Brute container that fits in the available space, probably 44g. Preliminary plan is 10% water change per week at 1.5%/day. The 44 gallon SWT would allow a 30% change.
  • Lighting: Initial lighting sufficient for LPS and maybe a small zone for SPS in the future. A lighting system that can be expanded or augmented within the same family. My preliminary preference is Kessil AP9X (another app) but can be integrated into Apex. The lighting will be suspended from the ceiling or from a rail attached to the rear wall. No purchase yet.
  • Circulation: Perfect implementation of “no cables and clear three sides” appears to require two MP40QD (Apex compatible through Mobius) on the back wall as the starting point. No purchase yet.
  • RODI/ATO: 100 gpd, booster pump, no chloramine, about 300 inlet TDS, automated flow to ATO tank (probably 20 gallon aquarium in sump area). ATO will be Apex or RS compatible. Past experience was Spectrapure.
  • Manifold: I do not intend to run a manifold off the return line. The utility room has ample space for any ancillary facilities such as reactors, UV and ATS. I will probably contruct soem sort of manifold in the sump area with a seperate pump to feed any ancillairy treatment systems.
  • Rock: 40lb of dead rock which has been used as garden decoration for 10 years will be cleaned plus about 40lbs of new live rock from LFS.
  • Skimmer, Roller Mat, Return Pump: Still evaluating options. Prio expereince with Deltec skimmers.
No more news for this week. I will try to update each week.
September 10th update:

  • Purchased a few items on Labour day sales - nothing major. Salt (IO), a mixture of sands (Fiji Pink, Special Grade, Crushed Coral) and black ultraflex PVC.
  • Purchased two MP40QD based on recommendations for a 4-5ft peninsula tank.
  • Home Depot delivery to build stand and finish walls in utility (fish) room. Also used as an excuse to buy a new table saw. Plus 44 gallon Brute for SWT. Will use DOS for AWC.
  • Tank from Glass Cages and Bashsea sump should be delivered this week.
I must also decide if I will go to Reefapalooza in Dallas in October and camping in the mountains before snow.....
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September 23rd update:

  • Stand constructed based on @RocketEngineer typical design. Will skin stand or finish as open stand later depending upon final use.
  • Glass Cages acrylic tank (54" x 30" x 18") on stand. Predrilled for Synergy Shadow V3 Overflow and two returns. Tank is 1/2" acrylic with 3" EuroBrace, centre brace and base edge supports.View attachment 3334539
  • Bashsea 48" sump delivered and will be installed in utility room behind the end of the peninsula tank.View attachment 3334541
  • Utility room walls installed/painted plus a few electrical modifications.
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  • RODI and various PVF ordered or delivered.
Next steps:

  1. Design/build stand/shelf for SWT (44 gallon Brute), ATO tank (20 gallon aquarium) and Icecap 100 gpd RODI. Add pump and various connections to RODI to feed SWT or ATO tank plus DI bypass. Plus TDS and pressure measurement. Integrate into APEX with solenoids and level guages in some manner.
  2. Install Bashsea sump in utility room and order any missing PVF. I hope Home Depot has all that is missing.
  3. Negotiating to buy an unused Red Sea 1200 roller mat but seller wants package deal with a barely used Red Sea DC skimmer and some other equipment. I guess I can resell unwanted items or keep as back up (eg return pump).
October 3rd update:

  • Will visit Lowes today to purchase remaining PVC pipe and connections. Will order online any missing items.
  • Prepared material list for Series 15 8020 components required to mount Kessil AP9X to wall at end of tank. Still not sure if I will mount to wall or from ceiling. Ordered Kessil AP9X. I anticipate augenting the Kessil at a later date.
  • Side tracked by the purchase of a Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro 3D printer. First item to print will be supports for three Neptune solenoid valves for RODI lines.
  • The reduced space in the utlity room for the sump, SWT and ATO reservoir may not work. The SWT can be relocated and still be accesible by Neptune DOS for AWC.


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October 11th update:

  • Little real progress but it was Canadian Thanksgiving at weekend!
  • All equipment should arrive in the next week so I will be ready to start plumbing.
  • RODI system installed:
    • Icecap 4 stage 100 gpd
    • Aquatic Life Pump Buddie
    • HM Digital Triple TD Meter on inlet, product and after RO
    • Waste flows directly to floor drain in utility room
    • Product has three flow options: 1) Neptune SOV to 44 gallon Brute SWT. SWT will have Neptune high and low MOS and emergency high float valve. 2) Neptune SOV to 15 gallon ATO reservoir. ATO reservoir will have Neptune high and low MOS and emergency high float valve. 3) Manual outlet.
    • I have not installed a DI bypass as RODI will only be used for weekly fill of ATO reservoir and monthly fill of SWT. I have a tee and valve for DI bypass addition if required.
  • Neptune APEX, DOS and EBB installed on wall. I now have a mess of APEX related cables to tidy before plumbing.
  • Last minute redesign of plumbing from tank to sump to avoid electrical cable in wall between aquarium and utility room. Happily the last minute redesign results in a better solution.
October 26th update:

No significant progress in construction but all equipemnt oredred/prucahsed and should arrive by tomorrow so plumbing should start next week. Plumbing challenges (probably solved):

  • Difficult to find a 1" slip gate valve online in Canada! But should arrive tomorrow.
  • Main drain line: My tank is shallow peninsula (18") on a lowish stand (height 30"). Therefore I have 17" of height from the bottom of the Synergy overflow to reach the inlet to the sump in the adjoining utility room. Theorectically, plan A allows me to fit 4 ells and a slip gate valve into this space (plus horizontal unions). Backup plan B will use 2 ells, a gate valve and ultraflex PVC.
  • Return lines: I have two plans that depend on final drain lines - fit return in between drain lines which would allow equal flow to each return or design return at the side of the overflow box whixh would have unequal flow return with an additional valve.
I doubt that my explanation is clear but next post shodul have final plumbing photos!

November 27: About 80lb of different sands and 100lb of dry rock added into tank. Dry rock was landscaped externally previously. Commenced filling tank with RODI water.

December 1: Tank and sump full. No leaks. Started return pump and heaters. Slowly adding salt to sump. Minor adjustments to bean animal overflow. (Separate flow post). Upgraded heaters from 150W x 2 to 300W x 2.

December 5: Upgraded heaters to 400W x 2. (Separate heating post). Started cycling with Brightwell Quikcycl. Red Sea ATO setup.

December 12: Ammonia dropped to zero after peaking at 2.5ppm. Nitrite at 0.3ppm and rising.

December 15: Two MP40 operational. Continued cycling with Microbacter Clean and Microbacter Biofuel.

December 16: APEX DOS AWC operating at about 10%/week. Skimmer and reefmat operating.

December 20: About 20lb of live rock added. Yesterday I found a single aiptasia on one of these pieces. The rock will be removed for treatment today.

December 22: Nitrite dropped to zero. Nitrate 8.5ppm, PO4 0.57ppm, Ca 400, Mg 1005, Alk 10.7, pH 8.02. No lighting.

December 23: Added clownfish pair – always on the move and looking for someone to approach the tank.

December 30: Kessil AP9X installed on acclimatization mode.

January 1: Installed tank covers, APEX OPR probe, APEX salinity probe.

January 3: Switched MP40 from simple lagoon flow to a scheme with various flow or varying strength managed by APEX.

January 6: Added small regal tang, golden headed sleeper goby and three small donated frags (blasto, red mushroom, enchanted forest birds nest). The tang hid in the rocks and rarely appeared until the fox face arrived and now they go everywhere together. The goby found his spot under rocks at the front of the tank but now spends most of the day processing sand anywhere in the tank.

January 11: Added fox face, cleaner shrimp and 12 small donated frags. GHA had appeared on some of the rocks. The fags were 6 various zoa plus pavona, favia, styocoellia, psammacora and montipora.

January 16: Added hawkfish, bicolor blenny, pistol shrimp and royal gramma. Pistol shrimp was seen and heard today but has not been seen or heard since.

January 17: GHA gone by a combination of tang, goby, fox face and blenny. Added bubble tip anemone.

January 20: Started dosing vodka and Phosphate E to manage levels. NO3 13.5ppm PO4 0.26ppm. Still following the Brightwell tank startup with Microbacter Clean and Biofuel. No equipment problems. All livestock active and eating. All coral frags apart from one zoa are open.

Next Steps:

  • Modify control systems (APEX and Red Sea) so that I can schedule automatic feeding when travelling.
  • Add an APEX switch box to allow easier control of tank instead of phone/computer apps.
  • Add a doser which requires reconfiguring several of the power lines in fish room to create space close to the sump.
  • Develop AP9X lighting schedule to implement after acclimation complete for corals.
  • Suitable feeding/dosing plan.
  • Finish the stand.
  • Look for shrimps at night.
  • Consider applicable CUC options that are locally available.
Photos to follow