Candy apple reds.


Just got a nice frag of candy apple reds any advice on placement and things to watch out for. Any help is appreciated.
IMO - I keep every new frag at sand level for 5 days and scale back my lighting time by %25 for 3 days then 15%for 3 then back to 7 hrs - i have always heard the you will get bigger Paly/zoa is you have a weaker light vs stronger light- I personal don't have any candy but I have had great success with nuclear greens, pink elephants, nightmares, rainbow raptors and a couple more 'desire' guys by this method- haven't lost anything and I have had good growth- what lights do you run?(if you have mh, don't put them to high) After that first week good chance u could put then where ever you want just watch them. to make sure they are happy - also watch your phosphates or they can brown out on you (phos <.2) really 0 but who can do that lol
Just got a nice frag of candy apple reds any advice on placement and things to watch out for. Any help is appreciated.

The name doesn't really matter, all new arrivals should be QT'd if possible for 2 weeks at lease. If no QT, a preventive dip and close inspection is highly advised. It is best to place all new arrivals on the substrate, in line with current and not touching anything in your tank for at least a week. Current must not be overpowering as it will prevent total expansion. Enough current to slightly wiggle the polyp when fully expanded is all that is required. Critters will naturally gravitate to it to inspect and crawl all over it. If it was shipped, possible slimming due to stress via, shipping, handling, parameter and light accilmation. If it is sick by chance, placing away from anything else will prevent the rapid spread to other corals/rocks, but still no gurantee.

You should always check with the previous owner an inquire of its placement in that system, parameters, lighting type, watts, k value, source and scheme. What works in someone elses tank is no gurantee that same placement will work in your tank. After the first week accilmation with a few days of actinics only, slowly move it slightly higher, set it and forget it. I would advise off center of lighting source if using MH's for a week. The second move should be your final place. Continuous moving after that will allow stunt/delay it's growth and will further stress this new arrival.

Hope this helps, Mucho Reef