IMO - I keep every new frag at sand level for 5 days and scale back my lighting time by %25 for 3 days then 15%for 3 then back to 7 hrs - i have always heard the you will get bigger Paly/zoa is you have a weaker light vs stronger light- I personal don't have any candy but I have had great success with nuclear greens, pink elephants, nightmares, rainbow raptors and a couple more 'desire' guys by this method- haven't lost anything and I have had good growth- what lights do you run?(if you have mh, don't put them to high) After that first week good chance u could put then where ever you want just watch them. to make sure they are happy - also watch your phosphates or they can brown out on you (phos <.2) really 0 but who can do that lol