candy apple red's


New member
Where do you guys place yours? I've tried placing them everywhere and they still don't open up fully like they should. And all my other zoas look great and multiplying.
I dunno about ya'll, but CAR are such slow growers!! is everyone else having the same problems!?... I started w/ 3 and now at 6.. its been about 4 months now.... but there is a colony of byprosis that does keep growing on the frag and engulfing it when I don't regularly trim it....
they are super slow growers mine started from a single pollupi also had some bryospis on mine but fragged them off the disk and put them on a newone , as the coloney grows out they will start growing fasteras you get more pollups i target feed each head with brine, mysis , cyc . ive also noticed faster growth from them since i moved them to my sps tank, im seeing better coloration from them in there also