Canister filters?!?


New member
My 30 gallon mini reef doesn't have any kind of mechanical filtration. I do have a Reef Octo 1000 which is way overkill for this tank. (rated at 90 gal) and I put some carbon and phosguard in the output chamber. I do have a pump that sends water through a chiller so I could add a canister filter or something with mechanical and/or carbon in line.

I hear good and bad things about them. I have thought about using a cheap under-sink filter in line with a bypass as well.

What do ya'll think.
running a caninster is beneficial, just change media often they can become a nitrate factory, but like I said change media regularly and it should be no problem.
thanks for the reply. I forgot to mention in the post that I would appreciate any recomendations for one as well. It will mainly be used for water polishing as I have plenty of LR in the tank for bio.
I use a canister filter but just strictly for running carbon. I change the carbon monthly. I feel that it as it forces the water through the carbon, the carbon would process more water and absorb faster, but I could be wrong. A canister filter even on a tank that small could be beneficial for water clarity and removing particles out of the water column too. But as said before, do clean out regularly if this is your use for it because it traps waste and the whole point is trying to remove the waste.
thanks for the reply. I forgot to mention in the post that I would appreciate any recomendations for one as well. It will mainly be used for water polishing as I have plenty of LR in the tank for bio.

....Back in the day...
(Late '80s)

I used to use a Magnum 350 Deluxe for my first SW FOWLR 55g tank, which I enventually turned into my first reef tank.

Despite some people's negative reviews, the thing is bullet proof and snap to maintain. The wet media body separate from the magnetic drive motor, and the available ball valves isolate the tank supply & return lines so you can easily lift it out.

I still have mine. I kept it, because it worked great! It's been in dry storage for... man! Ten-years now and it is in excellent condition. I was considering using it as a Phos. Reactor, which would double for water polishing. I just don't know if THAT much pressure (as a main filtration system on smaller tanks) would be Overkill for Phosphate fluidation, of say: Pura Complete. (It might be too much, I don't know)

Austin, if it IS overkill, then I might opt to sell mine outright. The cool thing about the Magnum is: mine has the optional Bio-wheels, an external HOB filtration rotary drum system to oxygenate the water, sans bubbles.

P.S. - If you put Magnum 350 (or equivalent) on your 30g tank, you're water quality will be pristine!!

More: OEM Marineland Link
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actually Marty, the Magnum 350 is one I have thought about before. I have a rio 1400 that pumps water through my chiller and back. I wounder if a: the magnum would pump enough water gph for the chiller by itself or b: you could use the rio through/with the magnum pump. Because of the rio, i have thought of using a under sink filter plumed with a bypass for mechanical but have not gotten around to it yet.
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actually Marty, the Magnum 350 is one I have thought about before. I have a rio 1400 that pumps water through my chiller and back. I wounder if a: the magnum would pump enough water gph for the chiller by itself or b: you could use the rio through/with the magnum pump. Because of the rio, i have thought of using a under sink filter plumed with a bypass for mechanical but have not gotten around to it yet.

The sink filter "thingy" sounds messy, and prone to clogging. Use the K.I.S.S. method.

I looked for pressure specs on teh 350 and couldn't find any. Call

You could use the Rio (through the chiller) in parrallel with the Magnum, but I wouldn't suggest in-line. Besides, you want multiple currents of flow anyway.
yea, the only problem is that i am running out of real estate on the back of the tank. i have plenty of flow with the rio going through a sea swirl as well as a koralea 1 but if i could squeese it in i don't think the extra flow could hurt.

if i put the filter on a timer would it have an issue with priming. (similar situation as if the power went out.)
Dude... do you have a 3/4"??

The Magnum feeds a pvc molded joint.

By way of comparison, my 120 has (literally 2" between glass to Rock) so I know tight, and the magnum still fits.

AND the unit itself is below the rig.
Dude... do you have a 3/4"??

Isn't that getting a little personal! :mixed: :lol2:

If you mean the Sea Swirl, it is a 1/2". I did some googling and it seems that the magnum 350 puts out 350 gal/hr (imagine that). It might be able to replace the rio as the flow through the chiller as well. The maginums have 5/8 connections and that is what I already have running.

As far as real estate goes, I meant accross the back. With the Sea Swirl, line for the Rio and the Octo 1000 HOB skimmer there is not a lot of extra room accross the back for anything else. If the maginum will push that much water I may buy one. I am just not sure at what head they are rating it at.


Austin?? Did you just buy that Skimmer from Memfish?? (If so, I know who you are. I was there when you bought it!)

Yeah, slap that Magmum into the SS and let it rip. Forget the Bio-wheels! You have a SKIMMER rated for a 90g!!
OH CRAP...they have found me. :smokin:

Yep I bought it from Memfish several months ago. It works great but I took the pump apart the other day for a cleaning and think I want to get a better pinwheel for it. The one in there doesn't look like some of the newer ones.

I think I will get one of those Maginums. It would be nice not to have the pump in the tank. If flow is a little slow I have several extra MaxiJets sitting around. Gotta wait on the tax refund though!:(

I still want to come by one day durring lunch when you are around. I will bring some Quiznos or something.