Canon SL1 or 60D


New member
Wondering if it's worth the extra cash to go for the Canon 60D vs the SL1. I liked how the SL1 fits in my hands but if the 60D is worth the extra money they I might save up for it. I will be using the camera mostly for family pictures and secondly for reef pics of course so with time I'll save up for the macro lens. With that said, is the 60D worth it for family/portrait photos?
I was considering the rebel line at first but then I saw the SL1 and I did like it's size. The 60d came into mind mostly because I found it on sale for $999 and I wouldn't want to regret not getting this one down the road in case I get SL1 or a rebel and want to upgrade to another camera later on.
I've got a Canon XSi right now and am wanting to sell it for a 60D after using my friends 7D for a weekend. The Rebel just feels too small and fragile now...

That being said, size is nice for travelling around and carrying during vacations, etc...