Canon ??

gods child

New member
I know less about cameras than computers , witch i know nothing !My wife wanted a camera for christmass so I got her a canon power shotsx30is .Is this ok for mackro shots . Never realy looked at them till i went to Rc thay are realy kool .Would like to start after I put up a nothrt tank to replace my 265 reef that broke. Thanks for your help god bless all
First your understanding of macro needs an adjustment. A true macro has a 1:1 magnification. Most point and shoots should be ok for close up shots, but without something supplimenting the camera, (add on lens or magnifing glass), you probably won't have a 1:1 pic, most likely about 1:2 to 1:3.
I don't know if you can use an add on lens on that camera. If not, just shoot as close as you can. It's the word macro that may not apply well. Give it a try. Read the manual and see what the closest way to shoot with that camera is. It may still say macro, as this is common term for close ups.
Make sure the lens is flush against the glass, put camera in macro mode or flower mode as it is shown on the camera. Use a tripod to steady the shot, don't use flash and maybe use the self timer.
I know less about cameras than computers , witch i know nothing !My wife wanted a camera for christmass so I got her a canon power shotsx30is .Is this ok for mackro shots . Never realy looked at them till i went to Rc thay are realy kool .Would like to start after I put up a nothrt tank to replace my 265 reef that broke. Thanks for your help god bless all

Oh my, what hapened to the 265? I have one and am very curious.

I live less than 500 feet from a big lake, we got a lot of rain 2yrs ago the water table rose an the basement floor shifted an cracked.Or my seacucmber underminded a land slide there was a large rock where the crack was, an the cuc was where it all started from ..Or the wife said she didnt remember that crack in the floor. tank was down stairs .It emtyed the tank an a 500 gal sump .It happen when we were away for the week end Lost every thing lucky it didnt burn the house down.Had it stocked full Kept the lights gave away 800lb of rock to aqua hut where i worked part timewhat a mess