cant keep ricordia alive..


New member
Just wondering what gives with these things??? I can keep sps and lps alive no problem. Tank parameters are perfect. Lighting is perfect.. lots of water flow. Do weekly water changes. No phosphates or nitrates..
any ideas?
Only thing I can figure is ricordia like filthy tanks with nitrates and phosphates and low alkalinity..
Last 2-3 ricordia I had lasted 3 days they they turned white and decomposed into a gooey mess
Could be too much light and/or the tank is too clean for them. Like LPS, rics like the water a little dirtier than SPS. My guess though would be too much light. If you get any more, try shading them under a rock overhang.
I have about 20 of them in my 180 and they are on the bottom under 250w halides and are doing great. I also have SPS in my tank along with LPS and I never had a problem with rics. They don't like a lot of flow and like above keep them slightly shaded for better color.
Lights could burn them if they arn't acclimated. Another possibility could be chemical warfare from the SPS.... Maybe too much flow? Just kinda shooting in the dark without specifics.
IMO most likely to much light.. I keep mine along the bottom of my tank. When I had my 90. I had 4x 54 t5 and they split like crazy when kept low in the tank.
I have had this issue before also. Some tanks they just do not do well in , I do not know why. Mine seem to do better off to the side corners where there is less direct light and less flow. Feeding may help too!
I have 4 x 54w t5's in my 55G tank two of which are actinic. although they look great right now I never seem to see much splitting.
I put my discosoma and rhodactis underneath liverocks let just say.. everywhere possible :D
IMO like what other shroom does, they don't really need good light.