Captive Bred Anemones


New member
About a month ago I to have a go at my first anemone. I've done a good amount of research on keeping them and feel I am ready to purchase one. I have two small Cinnamon Clownfish (Amphiprion melanopus) that will hopefully host the a bubble tip.

I know there is A LOT of quality captive grown frags from people in the club and was wondering if anyone was selling captive grown nems?

Nick D.
I would be glad to hook you up with one of my gbta's. It has split every year since I have had it. I currently have 4 of them, all very healthy.
That would be great!

I really didn't want to buy one unless I knew it was captive grown. I was kinda of hoping for a green one over the more popular rose colored one as I think it would look nicer with the dark red of my cinnamon clowns.

Just let me know how much you are looking to get for one of them. How big are they roughly?

Nick D.
They are all different sizes. The largest one, being about 12" in diameter, is in use by one of my clowns. PM me if you are interested and you can pick one up, no charge!