Care and Acclimating


New member
I was looking into getting some mushrooms for my 10 gallon reef and I was just wondering on some basic care for them.
I have been doing as much research as I can but all the sites I find seem to have the same information. Current, SG, temp. etc.
I was wondering if anyone new any pages that had good info. or anything.
More importantly I was concerned about how I will go about acclimating them.

Thanks in advance for any information,
IF they are shipped I personally just temp acclimate them and once I feel the temps have reached a equilibrium then I just drop them in. But that is what I do and have had no losses, I'm sure there are others that do it different. One of the things I have always worried about when it come to corals when drip acclimating after a 24-48hr shipping is causing an ammonia spike in the bag which I have heard and read is one of the main causes for losses after shipping. Not sure if I have ever experienced it or not, I'm sure I have with zoas and palys but I could never prove it to say for a matter of fact that is what happened. So I just do what I do now......
If you get them locally, I would just slow drip acclimate it. I make sure the temp is same by floating, then I drip acclimate to the same salinity. Then I check the pH, continue to drip until they match...

After that, I put them into my tank with only the actinics on.

This is how I do it with Rics, not sure if it is the best way.

I would also ask questions of the seller if his tanks has FW or any kind of pest, then I would do an inspection of nudis/FW/eggs on the rocks it's attached to. If I see anything, I acclimate, then dose accordingly before I put into tank.