caribbean pics


hello guys im new to saltwater and have an interest in "biotopes" particularly the caribbean i bought live rock from tampa bay saltwater it has halemeda star coral sponges and what i think are squirts of some kind i was wondering if anyone had pics so i can try to replicate that area mostly the halemeda i was thinking about using it as nutrient export in the tank and would like to see how much i should / could leave in the tank thanx
halimeda does not make a great nutrient export in a tank, they are not very tolarent of trimming and they don't do well with high nitrates... thats not to say it doesn't grow well in our tanks, it just does use the nutrients to do it, it uses up your calcium and lots of it. so you end up with no nutrients export and a drastic loss of calcium.

I had a lot of it in my tank and my clams would not grow at all, one of the guys on here said to get rid of the halimeda and all the sudden they started growing like crazy...