Caribbean Zoas!??!?!?


New member
Hi, i will love to see pics from owners of zoanthids corals from the caribbean waters!! I think it would be interesting!! :fun2:
i pick them up in a beach near my house :) the blue ones are growing like crazy


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majorbonr that is a very pretty paly is it really from the caribbean???

isn't that illegal in peurto rico?
well for real im not sure jajaja :P
jeje is fun to do it!! but never in exess just a little piece and thats it we have to think in the reef and the ecosistem too :)
majorbonr that is a very pretty paly is it really from the caribbean???

isn't that illegal in peurto rico?
well for real im not sure jajaja :P

Those paly's are awesome! They're called Cherry Bombs, but it's not the same Cherry Bomb in Zoaid. I've seen others call them specked red PE. I have 2 frags from different sources, and they're awesome!

I was told by 2 different sources that those are Carribean. A LFS has them and said a friend of his collected them and sent those to him. I also have a friend who works at a wholesaler and told me the same. How he has those in his tanks, I have no idea, but it is illegal to export corals from Puerto Rico.
Here are a few pieces we got down in the Keys the other day




And last but not least, after years of searching we finally found them......



Coral Morphologic deals in Floridian and Caribbean zoa's. They harvest their own as well, and they get some really really nice ones. They got a lot of photo's of them to, obviously, so you might consider checking their photos out. They are a sponsor here.
I thought they changed the law dont remember what the details were but either way save em' before the oil gets them!!!
jaja yeap thats true bye the way if is illegal to export them form PR is ok with me cuz im just exporting them from the water to my tank 15 mints from the beach jajaja (just kidding) im helping the ecositem with the global warming and the oil in the cost jiji
no more pics??????? im sure some of u have more caribbean palys/ zoas... jiji pliiiiis post some mor pic's.!! :P
You owe me a visit...for a long time :)

Yes has been awhile...just trying to get my tank back in line...:(
had a very bad outbreak of xenia.....which I like but not that many. So I got 90% of them gone and starting over tank is bear, may have to take a trip the the keys..:)
Glad to see ya still in the hobby
SpeckledGrouper, I was just about to ask if you work for Andrea since the pics look familiar. Then I read the next post. Nice to see 'meet' you on here. I owe you a phonecall. DougD