Carpet Anemone DOA


New member
Went to feed my tank today and noticed I couldn't find my carpet anemone at all anymore ... It got itself so far behind all my rock last week I couldnt feed it and I was hoping it would come out since it had been roaming lately .... however I found it today half eaten or at least as far as I can tell ... It had been flipped over and its foot was all chewed up ... " WHAT A MESS" ... got a big water change coming tonight I guess:sad2:
Did you have the carpet in a 29 gallon biocube? I don't think you would have enough flow or light for a carpet. They like a really strong flow...lots of intense lighting...and a deep sand bed to bury their foot into...usually right where the sand and your rockwork meet. I have had several in the past. Blue, green, and red, and found that if you give them the right conditions, they are quite hardy. They also will outgrow most tanks within a couple of years.

Sorry to hear yours is gone, but maybe those tips will make it easier for you in the future.
Heres to Bringing back old posts :beer:

Nah Richard I had in my main Reef tank not in the biocube but at that time my biocube was setup for sps so I think it would have been alright (1.150 hqi mod from nanotuners and 2 tunze 6025's + a hydor on the stock pump) ... When it died it was just one of those things .. Ive had several anemones in the past and still have one ... Can't really say why it died .... I had 1.5" - 2" bed in most places maybe it wasn't deep enough like you said ...